Post Miscarriage Recovery

Having a miscarriage is not easy physically and mentally. Depending on how far along your pregnancy was will determine the extent of the miscarriage and how long it will take to recovery physically. I guess you could say I was lucky because I was at 9 weeks along and the baby was still quiet small as was the placenta so the miscarriage was not physically demanding and I didn’t know until 10 weeks that we had miscarried.

Before getting pregnant I was making sure to consume nutrient dense foods and take my prenatal vitamins to make sure my nutrient stores were full and ready for the baby but for most of the days I was not consuming enough calories, maybe 1-2 meals each day. About 1 week after conceiving I became so hungry all day, it felt as though I could not keep up. I was consuming around 3 meals a day with small snacks between and that rapid increase in calories; even though they were nutrient dense; caused me to gain around 15-20 lbs in the 9 weeks. When we found out that we had a miscarriage I became so depressed all I did was lay in bed or on the couch when I wasn’t working and cried and ended up gaining another 5lbs.

November I started my period again and it felt as if it was back with vengeance; the flow was heavier than usual, migraines, back aches and I was so tired. The arrival was so bitter sweet, I felt so sad but I also felt hopeful that we could conceive again very soon. I realized at this point how much weight I had gained and that if I were to get pregnant and gain the normal 25lbs than I would be too heavy for my small frame and I didn’t want to put my body through that. For the next month I started working out again, going for walks after each meal and even doing more cardio. Coming into December I felt a little bit slimmer but the scale and my pictures didn’t show any progress so I started on a hormone balancing supplement and changing up the walks to incline walks instead of flat land. My clothes feel a little bigger but still I don’t see a change in my pictures or on the scale and this has been one of my biggest mental challenges along with each passing day knowing I will not get to hold our little one, Christmas passed again not being pregnant and so we will start the New Year the same.

Some days I feel good and ready to conquer the world and business. Other days I just want to cry all day. This sadness of the loss also brings up sadness of other losses like the loss of my mother and not having her here for Holidays and for her to be present to meet her grandchild, to not have her around to help postpartum, to come to her for motherly advice about being a new mom. My mother raised 5 children and while I did help with my youngest sister and also with my nephew my husband and I will still be new parents and probably feel overwhelmed.

Now as the end of December approaches I am jumping into another tool to support my weight loss and work towards hopefully a January conception. I know that each I will get better and stronger and as I start to shed the weight I will not only feel better physically but also mentally.

Thank you for following my journey and for your continued support. Please comment and share with your friends and family.


Skin Care Routine


Your Period and Hormones