Pre-Conception Preparation Coaching Program
Pre Conception Preparation Coaching Programs
Having a pre-conception plan is important because you are passing your microbiome, your health, your genes and family history on to your child.
With a Certified Health Coach we help you set up a personal program that helps you prepare both Mom and Dad for conception and pregnancy.
With our 6- Month Preconception Plan we work on
-Nutrition: Together we create a fertility friendly nutrition plan. What you eat affects your health and hormones.
-Exercise: Staying physically active is important to maintaining a healthy weight, your hormones, flushing excess hormones and toxins from your body. Not all exercise is created equal; some workouts cause too much stress on the body and this can affect hormones.
-Gut Health: Your immune system and brain health are connected to your gut, also studies show that if your gut health is out of balance you are more likely to get chronic diseases. During pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding your baby gets its microbiome from momma.
-Toxins: Exposure to household toxins, BPA, and toxins in foods affect our hormones and they are passed on to the baby during pregnancy.
-Mindset: Our mindset shapes our world and if we have a positive mindset and also support we are less likely to experience depression and also shift out of those moods quicker.
-Sleep: Yes after you have the baby sleep will be a rollercoaster for awhile but before and during pregnancy getting proper restorative sleep is essential in mental health, hormone balance and weight management. Setting up a sleep routine will make it easier to follow once the baby is here and setting up one for the baby also.
-Hormones: Our hormones are everything! They control all of our bodily functions but having proper levels is extremely important when it comes to conception and pregnancy.
-Birth Control Detox: Are you on birth control? Have you been waiting to get off for when you are ready to get pregnant? Scared of what your period or emotions or weight are going to be like when you get off? Its best to detox from the birth control before conceiving because hormonal birth control are synthetic and they high jack your hormone system and your body reacts differently to synthetic hormones than our real hormones. Doing a detox first allows your body time to remove the synthetic hormones, allow your natural hormones time to start working properly again and fix any issues the birth control caused in your body before conceiving.

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Being a Serial Entrepreneur and loving the Self Development culture I have been to a lot of huge business conferences and also to MasterMind events, I have multiple social media accounts, and multiple businesses
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