Weight Loss Coaching Program
Weight Loss Coaching Programs
Nearly 80% of American’s want to lose weight to improve their health each year, they try the new Diet Fad or Exercise Fad but the problem is that these Fads don’t work for everyone and they aren’t meant to be done long term.
The key to weight loss is to create Healthy Lifestyle changes that fit your lifestyle; nutrition that works for your body and you will want to follow long term, exercise you enjoy and your body benefits from that will fit into your schedule.
Our 6-Month Fat Loss Program includes:
-Nutrition: Together we figure out a long term nutrition plan that will benefit your body for fat loss and create life long habits that will make it easy to follow so you don’t fall off the wagon.
-Exercise: Not all exercises are created equal. We work together to set up a exercise routine that fits your lifestyle and schedule and that works for your body. Giving your body the right amount of stress it needs to create fat loss but not stall your progress.
-Stress Management: Life is stressful and for the most part we can’t control that but what we can control is how we react to it. Constantly being overwhelmed with stressful thoughts and lifestyle patterns can affect weight loss and how our body stores or releases fat. Learn how to manage the stress and practices that work for you to find the zen you need.
-Sleep: Getting the proper sleep at the proper times can be crucial to recovery and fat loss. During sleep our bodies repair and rebuild but it only happens at a certain time. If you are missing that time or your sleep is disturbed this can stall your fat loss progress.
-Mindset: Our minds create our life environment. If we are constantly putting ourselves down, telling ourselves that what were doing isn’t working than that will become your reality. Learn how you can shift yourself out of that mindset and create healthier more empowering thoughts that will support your progress and lifestyle.
-Toxins: Toxins from household cleaners and our foods disrupt our hormones and stall our fat loss process. Removing toxins, figuring out where to start and which products to use can be very overwhelming and often defeating. We support you in a stress free process that creates a healthy environment for healthy body, health habits and healthy fat loss.
Working with a Certified Health Coach can support you in creating health lifestyle changes that offer the side effect of weight loss stress free. Let us do the research and planning so you don’t have to get frustrated, spend hundreds of dollars on products that don’t work or that you get frustrated and give up on.

I found Tiffany through a friend and she has been amazing with helping me achieve my goals and just better my life through her coaching. Before I was lost and overwhelmed with what I wanted but not knowing how to get there but once I met Tiffany we created a plan and steps to reaching my goals. She’s been that gentle leader who helped lay out my goals and see that light at the end of the tunnel. I am forever thankful for her and her expertise in coaching.

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