What type of water should you be drinking?
There are so many different types of water most people don’t know what to drink. Most people don’t drink enough water, don’t know how much water to drink or don’t know that the water they are drinking could be dehydrating them.
That sounds crazy right!? Water can dehydrate me!?
so what water should I drink and how much?
I tell my clients to aim for 1 gallon of water each day and if you are outside sweating or working out to add to that. I know it may seem like a lot of water at first but once you get that down for a few weeks your body will receive the water a lot easier and you will want to drink that much water. I know people who barely drink 8oz of water in a day.
Also teas and coffee do not count as water intake and can dehydrate you.
Now on to what water to drink! I would stay away from tap water for sure! The cities government will tell you it’s filtered and you can drink it but it is full of hormones, sometimes prescription drugs, fluoride (I covered fluoride on my oral hygiene post) and other contaminants.
At the very least I would recommend going with a filtered water like a fridge filter or a Brita filter even though these won’t filter out a lot of contaminants they are better than tap water.
The next step up I would recommend a Berkey Water filter because it will filter out more than basic filters plus it’s good to have one on backup in case something happens with the running water.
My family uses a Reverse Osmosis filter which will filter out all contaminants and leave it as just basic water. This is what you want but you need to add back in minerals and electrolytes because if you just drink that water as it is it will pull the minerals from your body and also dehydrate you. We use aquatru mineral drops and add those back into our water for us to drink and for our cats. We also use the RO water for cooking.
You can take this one more step and structure your water using negative energy or red light therapy devices. Structuring it will give it more energy so your body will take in this energy.
If you are buying water than I would look for a water that has minerals and electrolytes in it but not alkaline water. The more minerals in it the better.
I know right now you are saying wait! I thought alkaline water was good! Yes it is and when you filter the water and add back in the minerals and electrolytes it will be alkaline but you don’t want alkaline water from like a machine that will acidify and alkalinize your water because that will actually do the opposite of what natural alkaline water does for your body.
As for drinking water out of plastic I would recommend to avoid it if possible. If it is your only choice than it is okay but there are two problems with that; one is that the majority of bottled water is just tap water and second the plastic leeches into the water and you consume microplastics and BPA. If you have a BPA free drinking bottle it might have other harmful plastics and microplastics. It’s best to buy stainless steel or glass water bottles and if you are buying water out look for glass bottles water like Voss.
I know it can be confusing at first but my advice would be to at least start with a good water filter and start trying to get down at least a gallon each day and once you have that down you can look into better waters.
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